I don't care what anyone says about the movie. I <3 Superman Returns and Brandon Routh in tights. Really, really loved it.
Superman was humanized, by God, and I'm still reeling from the fuzzy feelings. It's the deepest Superman exploration, I think. It's subtle then it's not-so-subtle and it's nerve-wracking but it's there.
Never mind that he looks like a doll. A very airbrushed doll. It's fitting, I think, that Superman looks perfect. Damn.
Okay, question: Are people in the comic book world really this dense? I mean, there's this impossibly gorgeous hunk in your office who towers over everyone else in the room and has a shoulder span the size of the Grand Canyon, not to mention that he has a lickable jaw and daaaaark hair. And that chest, damn it. How the fuck can you not think he's something or someone else? Hallloooo?! OMFG, glasses are such a grand disguise. At least think naman na, hey, Clark's been working out.
And Lois. Lois, Lois, Lois. This is just funny. I last saw Kate Bosworth as that girl who dated Tad Hamilton. The one with Topher Grace. Funny but there, she was kinda in a similar position. And I find it peculiar and a stroke of genius that Clark Kent is jealous of himself.
Oh, and James Marsden? The nice dude? The guy who always get dumped by someone who looks better in Spandex? Naku. Typecast. Haha. (Maybe this is why he spent only 3 minutes in XMen 3.)
The NY Times review calls Superman as "the world's most powerful virgin" before he got freaky with Miss Fearless Reporter. Uh-huh. I saw that movie. And that scene na they were lying on that silver bed, Lois's head on Superman's, er, boob.
I am very happy that their kissing scene was pathetic. That Superman was asleep when it happened.
And Brandon Routh. Brandon Routh. He's up there with Hugh Jackman and Johnny Depp. Remember that look he gave the guy who shot him in the eye? My god. If I weren't sitting down, my panties would have slid to the floor.
He freaking looks good all the freaking time! Asleep, dead, dying, wet, dry, in a suit, in spandex, drowning, sun-drenched, up-close, blurred shot, holding a whore. There wasn't a shot that he didn't look good. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant perfect.
Anyway, maybe this is just 2 weeks of Theo but is it just me or does the film reek of Jesus themes?
Whatever. Whatever.
Oh, and Jason. Superman's kid. Because he's got human DNA swirling inside him, he's even more powerful than Superman, with the Kryptonite issue. Summa, the only weakness he has is that he's asthmatic.
Ah, I can see it now: The next Superman flying through the air... then getting an asthma attack because of all the feathers up there.I wonder where he'd put his inhaler? His crotch, perhaps?