Tuesday, July 18, 2006

uBe wArs

I am stuck in a rut. A lazy, cyclical rut that has no beginning, no end... only marked by the occasional sunny days and blips on the radar screen. Everyday, it's convince myself to wake up, avoid the vicious roomies, wade through flood and go to school, sit with butt-numbing stillness then go back to the dorm, avoid vicious roomies and convince myself to sleep. But I'm not complaining about all this.


But I like to laugh hard and that's always a great thang to break the monotony. I lab History class and I lab our crazy prof (not to be confuse with Nigel Manaois, oki?) I even liked the bit of writing about a window and the sight of Lex Luthor in a neon orange shirt. Lunchtime over my usual Buffalo Chicken and Gulaman was hysterical. Fil's just... well... has me hoping that Allan Popa never reclaim our class. Craaap.

Whatever. I need to read some happy Blue's-fucking-Clues literature. My idea of Leisure Reading: Sex Crimes in History, The Children of Oedipus: Brother-Sister Incest, Stranfe Histories, Highroad to the Stake: A Tale of Witchcraft. And then I'm about to read Virgin Suicides while thumbing through White Oleander. Yes. Is it any wonder why I am so effing patootily crazy?

But I am entitled to it.

And, oh, fuckshitandallthatjazz, I just read this: Carmen Electra and Dave Navarro are splitting! Och, it's the MTV curse. Look at Jessica and Nick. Ashlee and Ryan. Whatever. Anyways, that leaves Dave for me. Oh, joy.

What is it with me and men with eyeliner?


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