Wednesday, August 09, 2006

wHat iS iT abOut yOunGer mEn?

Well. Technically, he's not younger. I'm quite sure that I, being 16 and two years short of legally buying alcohol, porn, ciggies, etc., am younger than org-boy freshie over there: *points to tall cute guy with impossible shirt and widdle neon-green nametag on said shirt and a killer laugh and butterflies-in-the-tummy smile.*


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my estrogen and other female hormones have reawakened. I am back to "normal" -- though not saying my previous state was abnormal, simply unusual for me. After months of pining over Miss Bad-Hair-Dye-Big-Brown-Eyes-Coke-Bottle-Hips, I have found a guy -- yes, a guy, a man, a boy, Y-chromosome bearing, penile, testicular, mumps, color-blindness, male-pattern balding, prostrate cancer person. A guy. I am crushing after a male member of this species.

Not as hapless as Miss BHDBBECBH where I periodically make a fool of myself, wanting to see a glimpse of her face. I'm back to the school girl, two-second eye contact, twirl hair, toy with shirt hem mode. Yey.

And he's an artist.

*Emperor's New Groove Dance*
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!

I have a boy crush, I have a boy crush.

Oh, freshies are sooo yummy. O_o

Haha, COSA rocks!


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