Friday, March 09, 2007

These bright lights

Women whose asses can be seen in their full, vividly pale glory when they bend over / sit / stand leaves me to wonder: Are these women wearing underwear?

I decided to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of this. With my tummy full of leftover pizza, I waddled over to the OAA to salvage my shaky scholarship. On the way, I see Miss Generic Atenean Chinese Girl (pfff) with roughly three inches of buttcrack for the world's viewing pleasure.

And so view I did.

I looked. Glanced, played innocent, then looked again. Then as I got nearer, I stared.

Peering into the depths of her ass for five seconds, I came to a conclusion. Well, two actually:

1) No, she ain't wearing underwear.

2) There must be something *really* wrong with me if I dedicate this much of my life thinking about other people's buttcracks.

Oh, well.

Happy weekend, kids.


Shout out to J, who's gone back to Japan without his Bleach manga; Tita Bong, as she has discovered my site (wah!); Martin, because he has a headache; April, because she's having a meltdown; Xander, because he was nice; and Zoe, because we're both hoping. :)



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