Friday, February 09, 2007

sOund eFfeCtEd pAra kOoL

[Note: Where in hell did I come up with this? I think it's probably due to hearing this annoying Too Stupid To Live OPM song x times today.]

I wonder if some lovers give each other the Final Farewell, Free Willy style.

[Definition of terms: Final Farewell as in I Don't Love You No More / You Ain't Getting None of This / Stop Using My Toothbrush / It's Not You, It's Me goodbye. The grand kaplooey. The Not See Each Other Anymore kind. The I'll Put All Your Stuff In A Box and Burn It But I'll Keep Your Blue Sweater kind. The I'll Pretend My Heart Isn't Thumping with (Insert Emotion Here) The Next Time I See You kind.

Or, for the less convoluted mind, The Break-Up, first letters capitalized. Okay na?]

Basta. Boy and girl meet and one of them is from the wild, metaphorically or not. (You made it this far so keep up.) They become friends, soulmates, fight, eat fish or whatnot, lurve, have sex -- though most probably not in that order.

And then something happens. I don't know what, as my brain doesn't really think that far along into the future or maybe it just really needs sleep and food. Basta the wild petit(e) copain/killer whale soulmate must go -- it's for his/her own good. Wild hunters. A museum or an animal zoo. A gold digger. Sudden and inevitably impotence/drought in perpetua -- something if wild significant other does not haul his/her ass out.

Ah, but the catch is, wild boy/girl doesn't know. The boy/girl who is from the higher species level plays the martyr and does the ultimate make-general-audience-member-walk-out move.

S/he drives him away. Like, "It's never going to work between us, don't you see?" But all the while, s/he's thinking, This fetish for "water sports" thing, I really like it but the government's after you and we have to part!

Or, "Go away, I hate you!" when it's really, I won't let my parents / friends / neighbors / random pakialameros hang you by your balls on the nearest acacia tree.

I am terrible at this, I know, but you get the picture.


That said, I watched the SNL digital short with Justin Timberlake in it: Dick in a Box. Haha, my moral piggy bank went bankrupt.

Oh, that was bad.

Which reminds me, I have to make a short story (and with 4 pages max, that is short, for me, Miss Verbal Diarrhea) full of bad metaphors.



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