Wednesday, January 31, 2007

rAge of aNgeLs

At 89, Sidney Sheldon is chugi. As in deado. As in patay na siya at hindi na siya babalik to write those dog-ear-the-sex-scenes novels of his.

We'll miss you. Haha. The legion of old biddies and a batallion of hormonal teens getting their first whiff of "real" literature.

I wonder if I'll be a writer when I die. Hm.


Today I bought my first pair of skinny jeans. Makikita niyo, two weeks after this, hindi na siya uso. Buwahahaha.

I also bought these cute native-y boxes for my ever-growing dormbooks collection, as I've lost all hope of ever getting the maintenance to build me a purdy bookshelf.

Retail therapy, much?

Sniff. Papers to do. A language to kill. Toodles.


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