Sunday, April 06, 2008

You're the best deal in town

When I woke up today (at 4:30 PM!) after a rather disconcerting dream of canyons and weird sculptures hewn from mountains and a lost pagan / Quaker tribe in the probably-not-there mountain ranges of Batangas-Bicol (dreams are like that, ya know), I realized that a.) I've got to pee really badly, and b.) I have not seen another member of the human race since Thursday night. Yes, my interactions with The Others have been restricted to instant messaging and random comments on my LJ communities, plus the guy from Happy Homes whom I ask every twelve hours or so, Kuya, menu please. And yes, that fall-on-my-face love-letter I told you about. And a phone call and a half from my mother in which we talked about The Shawshank Redemption and the tribespeople of Hmong (which are, I joked, from Hmongolia). Ooh, throw an egg on the hermit when she gets out.

So, I guess this is the part where I offer an intellectual discourse on solitude and the intrinsic value of being in the physical presence of your fellow man but I need my Happy Homes now. Later.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm guessing happy homes is some sort of take-away food, which makes homes happy.

And i think we should all learn to be happy alone. It's gonna happen anytime soon anyway.

on a completely random note, how is a bunch of unreadable text suppose to determine if i'm human or a robot? (is talking about the word verification)

8:34 AM, April 07, 2008  
Blogger Sasha Martinez said...

Yes, yes, and yes. But because we are alone, we need happy homes.

Ang labo.

Anyway, I guess your human-ness is judged by whether you're still stupid enough to type in a word that does not exist.


3:50 PM, April 08, 2008  

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