Monday, November 19, 2007

And tails, we'll try again

Brainfart, because my muse is out chasing worms with a peacock's tail feather:

Roughly an hour ago: stuck in traffic on my way to Modern Poetry class. And then, like a cow, gigantic man-4WD darts out of nowhere. I am then nose to nose with its bumper. The front license plate thingie reads, in iridescent red, in big tough-guy letters, LAWYER.

This gets me thinking. When I become rich and powerful and get a car that doesn't require me to push it uphill every one hill in a while, Ima get a license plate that reads, SLOB. Or, VOLVO-DRIVING SOCCER MOM. Or, @#*!. Or, MAFLOUFLOU BERRY. Or, the more wistful, WRITER-IN-TRAINING. Or, BANANA. The list is virtually endless.

Oh, and I have nothing against lawyers.

PS - See you kids at the Happy Monday later. :)



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