Monday, April 09, 2007

Too bad I fell for it

After the Car Ride From Hell v.226, with (predictably) a Martinez male behind the wheel, I stumble into Calatagan, land of rascal Spaniards and their beleaguered wives (of which demographies my paternal grandparents belong to, go figure), and I discover one of the sweetest things ever to grace my seventeen years:

There is decent freaking INTERNET in Calatagan, Batangas. Gahd, the heavens have unfastened and little nekkid cherubs are frolicking about, doing the boogie to the rythm of my heart. (Okay, horrible metaphor overload.)

Putehk, FINALLY.

Sure, I have to squeeze myself between girls in tube tops YM-ing their boyfriends in Lithuania or something, and the kanto boys screaming at the MU universe, whilst they hold plastic bags of rugby. But it's a small price to pay. Mom let the bomb drop that my brothers and I would be staying here for a month and I expect cyberspace to become an IV drip to keep me alive.

This and unlimited food fresh from the seas and the trees.

Which reminds me that I have to gripe: people around me are in a frenzy to effing feed me. The food is fantastic, which makes it so hard to refuse it. Libre pa. ^_^ But please. At this rate, I'll be a blimp by the end of the summer. I already look like an overstuffed longganisa in my jeans as it is. Yip-de-doo.


Soon-to-be senior boy Martin got invites to the Free Press Awards, which are tomorrow night, and he wants me to come with. I want to go, not because I harbor any delusions about actually getting something -- I'm not invited, DI BA? -- but because it's such a kick-ass literary event with swarming writers. And I wanna say hello to Sarge Lacuesta. See how writers interact -- pen and paper? yosi and liquor? hand signals? telepathy?

And there's free booze daw. Winner.

But I'm here. With YM-ers, their hearts Lithuania-bound, and hollow-eyed boys with rugby in plastic bags.

So, Martin dear, good luck, get drunk and nasty, tell me what happens (leaving out the drunk and nasty parts) and please please don't tell Plans B, C and D that they're plans B, C and D. (-_-)


(It feels more like a cold war, rather than an actual fight. On one hand, we can blame it on not having seen each other for quite some time now but on the other, well... Well. Either way, I miss you.)


When I get back to civilization, can we ALL get together and get knocked shitless with drunkenness and nicotine?


1 Yaps, kamukha mo yung buong bandang Callalily. XD
2 Hindi Perpetual Heartbreak si PH Chua, Powdered Heart na lang. :p
3 When ang start ng summer classes niyo?
5 Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeach!

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