Friday, September 02, 2005

tHe biRthDay -- pArt tHreE

iT's sOoOoOoO coLd...

there are goosebumps on my goosebumps... maya-maya, i'll be on the floor, thawing yet dead.

can i wax sentimental? philosophical? (...wax? yep, ive heard it used before.) anyhoo, ima wax something, not my legs cuz i just shaved... hehehe.

---wookie, dry humor.

here's the serious part:::

im turning 16. 16. im almost a woman, you know... im at the peak of my teenage years, i feel like i'm--

okay, iT's nOt wOrKiNg.

im just happy to be sixteen. happy. happy. happy. giddy pa nga. why? well, the looks i'll get won't be as aLarMed and bEwiLdeRed as the looks i get when i tell people im 15...

ahem::: hiNdi aKoH mAtAngKad--mAliIt lAnG kAyO.


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