Friday, September 02, 2005

tHe biRthDay -- pArt oNe

im feeling happy... happy. happy.

it's 9:35 am and as usual, i am at my second home: tHe riZaL iLaB... (i know that sounds super-pathetic but hey!!!) i just received an e-mail na we don't have ES class today... wow. ang saya. no english class, no lit class... no es class... pUmAsOk pA kOh!!!

anyhoo, it'sh my birthday, it'sh my birthday... lots of pepole texted me... (awwww...) but some of them i don't know eh... (uggggghhh...) im showi, im showi... lOts oF pEopLe cAme bAcK fRoM tHe dEad... it was nice to hear from them but, well... kinda awkward but nice na... fine. sige na. i'll be good.


damn it, some bad news:

my lola, (i call her mOmMy liLy) got into an accident yesterday... tripped on her slippers, fell forward, hit the cabinet drawer knobs and lacerated her cheek. ouch. i feel like crying. i was so scared. so scared. so scared...

im texting my lolo (dAdDy poOp--wHen i wAs a KiD, hE uSeD tO fArT a lOt... hEhe)... well, just checkin to see if he's oki... just letting him know that aiLaBhEmsOmAcH...


nAtsuMi and cHarZ--inseparable--want to go to a movie after natsci... which i don't have!!! what i also dOn't have is money... i only have a hundred with me today and a hundred back home... but that's not really the issue. iM gOiNg to mEet mY mOm lAteR... if i go to the movies... (and i cAn get money!) i might be late in meeting my mommy... she took a leave thingy from the office and well... iM tOrN!!!

etO pA::: birthday ni pAoLo bukas... band, open bar... the possibility of seeing my cwushie-wushie there.

ick. well, i don't drink and i don't have plans of doing so... but i have plans... im going to be with my family tomorrow and that's what counts, right???



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