Wednesday, June 21, 2006

boRedOm ruLes

I really doubt that anyone's going to read this. An exercise in futility, this entire blog. Whatever. It's fun. The six random thingies, I mean.

So. Six random thingies about meeeh:

1. I take baths with the lights off. I don't like light when im bathing, don't like to *see* things. (Maybe the darkness is an extension of my disrupted sleep, I don't know.) I bathe early morning and in the afternoon, when the day is almost lips-to-lips with the night. In cases where it's pitch-black, the lights are on but my eyes are closed, opening them only when i need to reach for my shampoo and soap.

I assure you that I clean myself very well in the dark and yes, I have seen myself naked.

2. When the alarm goes off in the morning, I immediately wake up, only to turn it off. Then, I'll lie back down on my bed, chanting, "Five minutes lang, five minutes lang," and then, five minutes later, I'm asleep. I wake up an hour later, dangerously close to my first class. Yey.

3. I am a blubbering idiot when it comes to disasters and whatnot. And here it thought that i would be the one shouting, "Don't panic, guys! Superman is here!" But nooooo. When our retreat house burst into flames and it was pure pandemonium, I sat on the wet grass, shoeless, wringing my hands, crying like mad and counting to five over and over and over and over again. Go figure.

4. When I'm at home during the weekends and my mom is in bed, reading a book, I jump in beside her, roll *really* close to her, burrow in wherever free crevice I find, and moan, "Moooo-ommmeeeeee-eeee." This annoys the hell out of my mom. I love it.

5. People back home (my classmates from high school, mostly) constantly fear for my "moral standing." They think I've gone off to scary ol' Ateneo to smoke three packs of designer ciggies before lunchtime, drink starbucks non-stop in the day, drink liqour non-stop in the evening, gone topless in school, walked around naked in the P.E. showers, hooked up with a hot girl, gotten myself pregnant with some random guy. Asus.

6. I like to sing out loud. when im parked in front of my laptop, with earphones plugged in my ears, I hear nothing but sweet, blissful music. And I belt it all out. The screamo parts in screamo-band songs, the bridges in punk, that impossible high note in indies, a bloodrushing chorus in poprock, even the beat of the war drums in the background -- I sing it. Thus, destroying the natural balance of the life of whoever can hear me. Say, a five-mile radius?

Hai. That's done.


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